Wading into Flood Waters:

Easily one of the most discussed topics on Hilton Head revolves around flood insurance and the impact of preliminary flood map changes recently released by FEMA. When does the change take effect? Will my flood insurance cost increase or decrease? Do I even need flood insurance? These are some of the questions being asked of area insurance professionals. 

The good news is, based on the preliminary maps released by FEMA, the majority of residents on Hilton Head will benefit from the map change. These proposed changes will result in lower base flood elevation requirements and zone changes, which should create a positive impact on the cost of flood insurance. The timing for implementation is still a bit unclear . by the best…

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Hard to believe that the RBC Heritage presented by Boeing is less than one month away. It is exciting that we will  have THREE trolleys this year, red green and blue with 3 different routes. I have attached wonderful photos of the routes and stops. Red route is Club Course Drive, Sea Pines Country Club, Club Course Villas, Bateau Road, Plantation/Calibogue Cay Road and Harbour Town Playground on inbox. Outbound is Harbor Town Playground, Sea Pines Center, Tupelo/Greenwood, Lawton Stables, Club Course Drive. The Green Route will be South Beach Marina, Lands End, Tower Beach, Greenwood/S. Sea Pines Drive, Sea Pines Center and Harbour Town Playground. Outbound will be Harbour Town Playground, Sea Pines Center, Old Military/Heritage Road, Lot at 13th Green,…

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Azaleas blooming at The Sea Pines Resort

We're pleased to provide The Sea Pines Resort Guide for Spring of 2019 to help your family plan for a fabulous vacation experience in Sea Pines. The Resort has created a plethora of fun-filled events and activities to engage everyone in the great outdoors.

Did you know that more than 1 billion households in 226 countries around the world can tune in to watch all of us reveling on the Harbour Town Golf Links during the 51st RBC Heritage? Are you ready for a once in a lifetime experience? You can by become an Honorary Observer and walk inside the ropes, from the 1st tee to the 18th green, with the PGA pros during tournament play! To book tickets and plan your ultimate trip to the tournement, please visit RBCHeritage.com

Anyone in Sea Pines can…

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