Sea Pines Osprey Nest #7515

We're pleased to report the real estate market on Hilton Head Island recovered beyond our wildest expectations during the 2nd quarter of 2020. The market nearly ground to a halt for six weeks in March and April and the situation looked dire. During that brief period a new paradigm shift took hold in real estate and the Island appears to be the beneficiary. We've not seen this strong a demand from buyers since 2004-2005. In Sea Pines, homes have been going under contract at almost 2 -3 times the average monthly rate. After all these years of being endlessly patient, the mood of our market is determined to take action and exhibiting time is of the essence.

Year-over-year, Island-wide home sales declined 1.5% while the median sales price increased…

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Home sales soared in the Hilton Head area after taking a coronavirus plunge.


BY SAM OGOZALEK JUNE 19, 2020 10:15 AM - Island Packet Newspaper

A wave of new homebuyers from the northeast and other parts of the country flooded the local real estate niarket over the past few weeks, motivated by low interest rates and high coronavirus caseloads in densely populated cities and suburbs, real estate agents say. 

The result: a banner month in May for pending home sales around the Hilton Head area. 

Despite requirements that prospective buyers wear PPE -- or their requests to take virtual tours via Zoom — pending home sales increased 11.3% in May year-over-year, with 629 pending sales in total, according to Hilton Head Island MLS data. Those…

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