By the time Hurricane Irma passed across Hilton Head Island it was downgraded to a tropical storm and behaved much like a typical winter nor'easter. 

The winds were blustery and persistent and they gusted above 60 mph during the heaviest rain bands but none of this caused any real damage. Our problems came from the storm surge created by the massive size of Irma as she drifted north over the west coast of Florida and pushed a 4 foot wall of water up the east coast from Jacksonville to Charleston. This happend exactly as we were having an 8 foot king tide. The tidal gauge at Fort Pulaski recorded Irma's high water mark to be 12.24 feet which was just shy of Hurricane Matthew's record of 12.50 feet.

Our beaches took the same hit as they did during…

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Life can take on a certain splendor for you and your family when purchasing your oceanfront home in Sea Pines Plantation. Whether you become a full time resident, a seasonal owner, or for use as an investment property, you'll discover the peace and tranquility along our 5 miles of pristine beach to be deeply satisfying to the soul and life affirming. 

Sales of our oceanfront homes have been moving at a clip in 2017 and we're on pace to have one of our best years in the last decade. We've already sold 3 homes and we have another 4 homes under contract that are scheduled to close before the end of the year. In 2016 we sold 5 homes and in 2015 we sold 3 homes. In a good year, we'll sell an average of 6-7 oceanfront homes. With a great variety of…

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Few things are as peaceful as hearing the sounds of the surf and smelling the Atlantic Ocean breezing through our majestic pines. If you and your family are beachcombers at heart, then purchasing your beach home at The Sea Pines Resort is a dream come true. With no busy roads to cross over, and only steps to our sandy shores, owning a beach home on a "T-Road" in Sea Pines is ideally suited for those who love being at the beach.

"T-Roads" in Sea Pines Plantation are cul-de-sac roads along the beach and they are named after birds. You'll find them located from the ocean gate, starting with Canvasback, and traveling down North and South Sea Pines Dr., for about 5 miles, until you reach Gadwall Rd., which overlooks the Calibogue Sound. There are 28…

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