The Sea Pines beaches after Hurricane Irma's storm surge
Posted by THE LOVE FAMILY on
By the time Hurricane Irma passed across Hilton Head Island it was downgraded to a tropical storm and behaved much like a typical winter nor'easter.
The winds were blustery and persistent and they gusted above 60 mph during the heaviest rain bands but none of this caused any real damage. Our problems came from the storm surge created by the massive size of Irma as she drifted north over the west coast of Florida and pushed a 4 foot wall of water up the east coast from Jacksonville to Charleston. This happend exactly as we were having an 8 foot king tide. The tidal gauge at Fort Pulaski recorded Irma's high water mark to be 12.24 feet which was just shy of Hurricane Matthew's record of 12.50 feet.
Our beaches took the same hit as they did during…
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