Mobility - some us take it for granted. Having grown up with a sister 5 years older that relied on a wheelchair or someone carrying her, I am really excited to announce a CSA - Sea Pines service!!
CSA has purchased an all-terrain wheelchair equipped with heavy duty wheels making it easier to travel through the sand. It is now available to Sea Pines Property owners to use at Tower Beach (exclusively for Sea Pines Property owners and their guests).
To reserve the beach wheelchair, you will need to call Denise Roberts at (843) 671-7840 or email her or stop by the CSA office. You will also need to sign a release statement. Keep in mind the following: 1) the wheelchair is located just inside the main entrance to the beach locker area, under the pavilion at Tower Beach and will be available by reservation with no blackout dates. 2) only one reservation will be taken per day. 3) The use of chair is restricted to Tower Beach area and cannot be transported for use elsewhere. 3) the chair will be secured with a combination cable lock and code will be provided upon signed release form. Please be considerate and return to the pick-up location and lock. Lets take care of our treasures and thank you, CSA!!
Another great reason to be a Sea Pines Property Owner! Call me (843) 816-6388 to see available properties or visit my website,!
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Ochsner
(843) 816-6388
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